

Make Your Students' ST Math Launch Out Of This World!

Get ready to blast off with JiJi!  

As the new school year begins, all the fun and excitement of summer vacation becomes a distant memory—and something to look forward to once again. But why does summer get to have all the fun? Let JiJi help you bring energy and excitement back into the classroom!

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ST Math Launch

Here at MIND Education, we know how important it is to engage students and capture their interest so they can thrive in their math learning.

In a recent edWebinar, Brandon Smith, Lead Mathematician and Product Director at MIND Education, explored the key to true enjoyment, how it amplifies learning, and how to design math experiences to help students become more engaged with their math education. What better way to start the new school year than by discovering what students truly enjoy? At MIND, we want to help districts and schools create a fun and engaging math experience for ALL students! 

Hosting an ST Math Launch event for your district, school, or class would be a great way to remind us all how learning math the ST Math way can be both fun and rewarding. Check out this ST Math Launch toolkit for a timeline, tips, and resources on how to hold an ST Math Launch celebration! 

If you’re already in the middle of planning your launch day, we’ve got some good reminders for you in the video here.

Join the ST Math Launch Celebration

Nothing encourages learning more than creative problem solving, building on schemas, and reinforcing productive struggle and math rigor

As students settle into their classrooms, ready for a new year filled with learning through ST Math, we want you to showcase your ST Math Launch event for everyone to see. Show us how your school celebrates blasting off with JiJi! 


Looking for Some Launch Inspiration?

Check out how Clint Independent School District in El Paso County, Texas, chose to celebrate and share their ST Math Launch Day. It looks like JiJi, students, and educators alike had a great day and are ready for a successful school year with ST Math!

Keep your eye on our ST Math Twitter and Instagram accounts for more activities, bonus content, and celebrations.

And stay tuned for a NEW ST Math challenge toolkit that will allow schools and educators to design their own contests. At MIND, we know how important it is to motivate students on their math journey. Together, let's discover new ways to engage and inspire learners toward math success. We can't wait to share this with you!  

Happy back-to-school season!

Victor Nguyen

About the Author

Victor Nguyen is MIND’s Content and Community Specialist. Victor is a passionate storyteller with a penchant for creative writing. In his free time, you can find him engrossed in books, going on long hikes, or trying to meditate.


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