

Thanksgiving Activities with JiJi

With the Thanksgiving holiday right around the corner, here are a couple of fun activities perfect for spreading gratitude and a love for math. We have a new printable coloring page, a pi(e) baking activity, and more that students can do in the classroom, virtually, or at home with their families.

JiJi’s Gratitude Coloring Sheet

It’s time to bring out the art supplies! JiJi’s gratitude coloring page is an enjoyable way for students to be creative and express with words why they are grateful for ST Math.  

Thanksgiving Coloring Sheet

Download Coloring Sheet

JiJi wants to see everyone's thoughts and coloring pages, so make sure you share with us by tagging @STMath on Twitter or Instagram!

Gobble Gobble! It’s Time for Pumpkin Pi(e)

The fall season is perfect for families to bake a delicious treat and learn together with our pi(e) baking activity. It involves a tasty, hands-on math application, ideal for inspiring mathematical curiosity and thinking!

Pumpkin Pi(e)

JiJi's November Motivation Postcard

Every month JiJi shares a postcard with timely and helpful messages to inspire your students in ST Math. For the month of November, JiJi is visiting Iguazu National Park in Brazil and Argentina. This national park is home to many rare and endangered species of flora and fauna, including the world's largest and most impressive waterfalls. 

November 2020 JiJi Postcard

JiJi's Grateful for…

This year has not been easy for our students, teachers, and families. They've had to persevere more than ever and adjust to distance learning. Despite these challenges, we recognize that there is still so much to be grateful for in 2020.

Here is JiJi’s gratitude list: 

  • JiJi is grateful for students and their hard work solving puzzles and completing objectives in the ST Math program. The research shows that student test scores increase with more time on the program. In other words, time spent on ST Math is time spent learning. Way to be creative, problem solvers! 
  • JiJi is also grateful for teachers and their ongoing dedication to students, families and each other. We especially want to thank our ST Math educators for their patience in getting familiar with the new version of the program and their continued willingness to give feedback that helps us make improvements to ST Math.
  • Last but not least, JiJi is grateful for parents and the more active role they have taken on this year in their child's education. We recognize your efforts and believe in your ability to be positive role models in your child’s learning journey. 


Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, and happy Thanksgiving from the ST Math family! 💗🐧

Edith Esparza

About the Author

Edith Esparza is the Marketing Specialist at MIND and loves sharing her passion for learning.


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