

A Key Phrase In This School's Culture? "We Will Persevere"

Dennis Township Primary School in New Jersey welcomed JiJi the penguin, from the game-based learning software program ST Math, during their annual JiJi Pep Rally last week.

JiJi waddled over to celebrate students' progress in the ST Math program, as well as their developments in perseverance and growth mindset.

Posters hung in the all purpose room included "We Will Persevere," "Welcome JiJi," and "Race to Argentina" (JiJi's last known location via postcard).

Why have a JiJi Pep Rally? Dennis Township shared why they use ST Math and integrate it into their school culture:

"The goal is for students to visit new concepts and build a solid foundation gaming through various levels and obstacles gaining a better sense of understanding and confidence in mathematics. We try our best to promote a JiJi culture throughout the school and encourage students to persevere and never give up."

Read the full article and see more photos from Dennis Township.

More stories about school culture and perseverance:

Calli Wright

About the Author

Calli Wright was the Marketing Manager at MIND Research Institute. She loves playing and designing board games, which she often talks about on twitter @CalliWrights.


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