

MIND Blog Rewind: August 2019

Each month on the MIND blog, we share stories of how our organization, our partners, and educators across the country are advancing the mission to mathematically equip all students to solve the world’s most challenging problems. We also share resources for educators and students, and cover some of the exciting events we take part in across the country. 

Welcome to the MIND Blog Rewind! There’s a lot to talk about, and we don't want you to miss any of it. Each month, we’re recapping the great content coming out of MIND and our community. Here’s a roundup of stories from August 2019.


Calli Wright, Education Engagement Manager, shared some of her top takeaways in a recap from the Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT) 2019, held in San Antonio, Texas. This year’s theme, Viva las Mátematicas, was prevalent in the bright colors around the event space and in the enthusiastic conversations around creating schematic connections and deepening mathematical engagement.

The results are in! Kelsey Skaggs, Public Relations and Communications Specialist, shared the winners and honorable mentions from the 2019 National K-12 Game-a-thon. We want to thank everyone who submitted to this year’s challenge. The Game-a-thon challenges students to design, build, and share a game that features creative and unusual solution­­s to mathematical problems. Looking to participate next year? Sign up for updates and we'll be in touch with details on the next K-12 Game-a-thon challenge.


Back-to-school time can be a mixture of fast-paced planning and excitement that creates an energized feeling all around. Edith Esparza, Education Engagement Specialist, shared an administrator's guide for success in implementing ST Math with fidelity.

Administrators aren’t the only ones implementing with fidelity! Huey Pham and Danette Morse, our MIND Success Team, created a fantastic video to share: Four Tips for A Great Start With ST Math. These helpful tips to getting started with ST Math will enable teachers and facilitators of ST Math to get students up and running as soon as possible.

Engagement Content Specialist, Jolene Haley, shared her love for monsters, pie, and most importantly, ST Math character Pie Monster. Pie Monster appears in various puzzles, spanning several grades through ST Math to support student development, teach understanding of mathematical operations, and explain concepts and differing problem types.

Teachers, our heroes, have some of the toughest jobs around. It's their creativity and drive to overcome obstacles that continue to amaze us. Alesha Arp, MIND's Senior User Experience Researcher, teamed up with ShaKeitha Green, Education Success Manager, to share examples of non-standard implementations and best practices for classroom success as we go back to school this year.


Looking to incorporate games into the classroom? Ryan Read is the former Manager of Campus Technology at Jackson Charter School and current business and technology teacher at Stillman Valley High School in Illinois. Our own Calli Wright interviewed Ryan about his experiments with technology, game-based learning, and the importance of games in the classroom.


There was a lot happening this month, especially as many of our administrators and teachers head back to school. Let us know what you think! You can comment below and share this (and all) of our blogs on your favorite social media channels by using the sharing buttons at the top of each post.

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Additional Highlights:

Jolene Haley

About the Author

Jolene Haley was the Content and Community Specialist at MIND Research Institute. In addition to creating content for MIND, she is an author, avid reader, and lover of iced coffee.


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