

Accelerated Learning Through High-Impact Online Tutoring

ST Math Tutoring Powered By VIPTeacher

Student math achievement has reached an all-time low—a grim consequence of the pandemic’s impact. The recent NAEP Mathematics Assessment (the Nation’s Report Card) reveals the dramatically low math scores and highlights the need to accelerate student learning

However, as alarming as the math scores are, student math proficiency does not need to remain so far below our expectations. When students have access to high-impact, grade-level tutoring, pandemic-related learning loss can become a thing of the past.

Tutoring can come in many different forms. Whether students receive in-person or online tutoring—one-on-one support or are guided in small group sessions—there is no doubt that tutoring can play a significant role in helping students catch up to their grade level and reach their academic potential. Personalized instruction effectively accelerates student learning and ensures students succeed in the classroom and the real world.

There is a science to learning math. Students simply require the right tools and approach to get back on grade level. It’s a matter of implementing research-based procedures and ensuring they have the foundational schemas to get them back on track. High-dosage, online math tutoring can give students the support they need to reach the academic achievement they deserve. 

That’s where VIPTeacher comes in!


What is VIPTeacher?

With over ten years of experience, serving over 1.3 million K-12 students globally and delivering over 20 million tutoring classes, VIPTeacher has partnered with non-profit organizations and schools to ensure students have access to high-quality tutoring. VIPTeacher provides 60,000 state-certified educators for tutors, offering one of the best solutions to interrupted learning and reversing the learning loss due to the pandemic.

VIPTeacher has played a significant educational role in ensuring students don’t fall behind. Now, in partnership with VIPTeacher, the visual instructional ST Math program can further accelerate student learning through high-impact, grade-level online tutoring. Students can access lessons leveraging ST Math puzzles to help them develop a robust conceptual understanding of math concepts.


High-dosage Tutoring is Highly Effective

High-impact online tutoring yields substantially positive results. Research indicates that high-dosage math tutoring programs—where students receive consistent and sustained support in one-on-one or small-group settings—can significantly improve learning outcomes.

VIPTeacher also encourages student discourse during small group tutoring sessions, which can positively impact student achievement.

Tutors through VIPTeacher are state-certified teachers with a proven track record of delivering engaging virtual lessons for young learners. The combination of MIND Education's premier product, ST Math, with VIPTeacher's robust platform and 10 years experience in tutoring operations make this a perfect partnership to support students' growth.

- Kevyn Klein, Head of VIPTeacher Operations

With over 100 studies demonstrating ST Math’s efficacy across many different states—including independent, third-party research conducted by WestEd—it’s clear the neuroscience-based visual instructional program allows all students to build foundational grade-level skills to get them back on track.

ST Math’s visual puzzles and game-based approach also remove language barriers that prevent students from becoming math-proficient, providing an equitable alternative for English learners to engage with math problems.

ST Math Powered by High-Quality Tutoring

By leveraging ST Math visual instructional puzzles, state-certified VIPTeacher tutors can guide students through productive struggle and propel them to build lasting conceptual understanding. In supporting students on their ST Math journey, VIPTeacher tutors use time-tested strategies to move them forward in their learning.

Additionally, certified VIPTeacher tutors provide observational feedback on the student’s progress to their school or district. Their feedback offers further insight into where students are academically and how to improve their educational journey. Best of all, ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher provides a flexible schedule for one-on-one or small group tutoring sessions during school hours, after-school, or summer school.

High-dosage math tutoring sessions can reach up to 30 sessions, lasting 30 minutes per session, 2-3 times a week. School districts that sign up will receive access to the VIPTeacher platform and reporting, while students receive an ST Math URL to start their online tutoring journey.


This partnership between VIPTeacher's years of expertise and flexible solution in meeting the requirements of students and schools, and MIND's science-driven approach to learning math, can accelerate student learning to restore—and perhaps exceed—their pre-pandemic achievement levels. Keeping students on grade-level content is more important than ever, and dispelling the myth that some students are “not math people” can make a major difference in propelling them toward academic achievement.

ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher will further drive our mission as a social impact organization to provide equitable access to learning and ensure all students are mathematically equipped to solve the world's most challenging problems. 


Victor Nguyen

About the Author

Victor Nguyen is MIND’s Content and Community Specialist. Victor is a passionate storyteller with a penchant for creative writing. In his free time, you can find him engrossed in books, going on long hikes, or trying to meditate.


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