
The Question Race

Question Racers
West School

Game description: This is a board game and The PURPOSE of the game is to practice order of operations. If player get to the last square or "finish" square and answer the question correct they win and the game is over.

  • Start with 30 points.
  • Oldest goes first.
  • Roll the die.
  • Answer the question that is on the circle based on the deck of cards that it corresponds to.
  • While you work on finding the answer, the player on your right finds the answer on the calculator.
  • If you get it right, you lose the same amount of points.
  • If you get it wrong, you gain the same amount of points you landed on. If you get to the finish with over 20 points, start over with 25 points.
  • If you answer a finish card incorrectly start over with 25 points.
  • When answering questions, Level 1 has 30 seconds to answer questions, Level 2 has 40 seconds. And Level 3 and finish have 60 seconds.