
Racing Barricades

The Annoying Villagers
West School

Game description: This game has multiplication, division, and addition concepts. The harder problems can be four-digit by four-digit multiplication problems. The easier problems can be single-digit by single-digit multiplication or harder. The easier and harder problems are mixed together. It is a mystery what level card you will get from the math deck.  The first one to the finish line wins the game round!

  • Minimum of 2 players. To keep it fair, it is best if there are an equal number of players each time, but it is not absolutely necessary. The youngest player goes first, you can even form teams. 
  • You get a toy car as your playing piece. If more than one player wants the same car, do rock, paper, scissors (best 2 out of 3) to see who gets it.
  • You will create the order of who solves the math questions. If you don’t agree on the order do rock, paper, scissors, (best 2 out of 3) who ever wins decides the order. 
  • No cheating and no fighting.
  • To play, you have to roll. You move up one space per turn.
  • If you land on bubble rap, it is the super deck. If you land there, you pick a card and it will be give you a tool to use against your opponent. Be careful, because it can backfire back on you.
  • You can also get a barricade option from the super deck. You can barricade your opponent. If they are barricaded or you use a tool against them, they have to answer a math question. If they answer the question right, they are protected and free from the barricade.
  • There is also an exercise deck. You can also blast a barricade by doing a fitness exercise. If you do not do an exercise or answer the question right in two tries, you move back a space.
  • If you get a question that is way too hard, you can pass, but you can’t move up.
  • If you land on the sandpaper,  “the mud”, you have to do a math question. If you get it right, you get freed but don’t move. Then, you get another math question. If you get it right, you get to move.
  • If you get the first math question wrong when you are in the mud, you have to do a question to get free on the next turn. Once you get an answer right, you will do another question that will allow you to move if you get that one right. 
  • No free bombs or barricades.
  • You may not pass three times in a row.
  • In order to keep your game an hour or shorter, there should be a maximum of 6 players.
  • The first one to the finish line wins the game round!! And you may choose who ever wins gets the car (not to keep).