
Mystic Math Journey

Team Z
Dr. Ralph E. Hawes Elementary

Game description: The Mystic Valley is being wrecked by a fierce dragon. Your mission is to save Mystic Valley by defeating the dragon and his monster friends. You will travel across the land using your cards in math equations to move your pawn. You will feed your opponents snacks to slow them down. You will defeat monsters by adding card values together to beat the monster's level. And finally, you will try to win the game by being the first player to defeat the dragon at Mystic Valley Castle.

  • Place player pawns on the Start space.
  • Sort out number cards to make a supply.
  • Deal seven ‘1’ cards and three Snack cards to each player. This is their starting deck.
  • Each player shuffles deck and draws five cards into hand.
  • On a player’s turn, they can use cards from their hand to…
  • Build an equation and move their pawn the number of spaces equal to the number of cards used in the equation. A player who used her cards to make the equation, 3+2+4=5+4, could move her pawn five spaces because five cards were used.
  • Spend coin cards to buy a new card from the supply that she puts in their discard pile.
  • Play cards for their special actions.
  • Defeat a monster by playing cards that add up to or exceed the monster’s level.
  • If a player lands on a monster, they must stay there until they defeats it.
  • If a player ends their movement on another player, they give a snack to the player. Snacks can’t be used for anything useful in a players hand.
  • After a player finishes their turn, they may save one un-played card, discard the rest, and draw back up to five cards from their draw pile.
  • If a player’s draw pile is empty, they shuffle their discard pile to make a new draw pile.
  • The first player to defeat the Dragon wins.