
Multiplication Castle

AKT Awesome
West School

Game description: BOOM! SHIELD! TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Try to get to your opponents castle and take over the world before they get to your castle. Watch out; there are cannon balls and mishaps along the way. On your gameboard, try to knock your opponents player with a ball and move them back. Go on the risky path in order to get there. There can be power cards, which can move you up, but they can also move you down. Power cards represent different advantages and disadvantages in the game. Always make the right choice of moving up, or using a ball. Always listen to your teammates advice even if you don’t agree. Answer multiplication facts to move up. Have a good time and this game isn’t SUPER competitive and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
2 players minimum, no maximum, as many players as wanted

  • You may not move up on your turn AND use a ball to knock out your opponents player on the same turn.
  • If you don’t like the card you get, you may say “Pass” and take another card. You may not use two passes on your turn. However, you may use passes on only 3 turns, which means that once you use a pass on one turn and you use it for two more turns, you have no more passes to use. If you don’t like the card you get and you have no more passes on your turn, you may use an ask a buddy.
  • An ask a buddy is when you either get help to answer your math equation by your partner/ teammate or your opponent. You only have 3 ask a buddy's in the whole game. Any advice counts as an ask a buddy. If you give advice to your teammate when you have no more ask a buddy's, you have to move back 5 spaces. I
  • f you land on a power card space in the process, it doesn’t apply. Balls are when you take your bouncy ball and put it down your castle and if you hit your opponents player, they have to move back 6 spaces. You have 5 balls to use in the whole entire game.
  • If you hit your own player, you also have to move back 6 spaces. If your ball goes into the win slot, you can move up 9 spaces. If you land on a power card space and there are no more power cards, you may move up 6 spaces.
  • Once you pick any card, you have to discard it after you answer or do the thing it says. But with power cards, you have to discard the power card into the power card discard pile and you may not use that card again in the game.
  • Once you use all of the regular cards and they’re all in the discard pile, you may pick them up and shuffle them.
  • Once you shuffle them, you may use them again to move up.
  • Power cards help you with protecting yourself and moving up but also they can move you down. If for example, you get a chariot card, and you move up 5 spaces and land on another power card, you may pick another power card.
  • The super power CARD moves you up and moves your opponent down. If you are near the end and for example, you get a 12x12=? and you answer 144, and you have to move up less than 20 spaces to win, it doesn’t matter and you still win.
  • In order to win, you and all of your teammate[s] have to get to your opponents castle. There are arrows on the board.
  • If you land on one, you do NOT move up because there are more on one pathway than the other. [So it will be fair]