
Mixing Math

Mixing Math
Merced City School District
Summer Academy 2018

Game description: The objective of the game is to remove all of the tokens from your opponent before your opponent removes your tokens, by solving addition and subtraction facts. The target audience is 3rd to 5th graders.

  • 2 players needed
  • 1 Dice, game board (similar to checkers)
  • 15 tokens are placed in the dark-shaded squares on each side of the board. Each player will play with 15 tokens.
  • Math cards will be placed face down in the middle of the board.
  • The two players will decide who goes first by playing rock, paper, scissors one time.
  • First player will get first choice which color of tokens they want, red or yellow tokens.
  • The first player will roll a dice. The dice will tell the player how many times he/she will move by how many numbers are on the top of the dice. Players can only move diagonally, forward, left or right. Players can not move up or down.
  • Players are allowed to move either the number they rolled or can choose a lesser amount (For example: if a player rolls a 6, the player can choose to move only 3 spaces if they choose).
  • If a token lands on a card. The player must flip over the card, and the card will show the player a E , M , or H, these words represent easy, medium or hard.
  • The player will draw a card on the side that represents easy, medium, or hard. If the player gets the question right then the player will be allowed to remove one token from the opponent's side.
  • If the player gets the question wrong, the player will place the card down and place the token back where it started and after that it’s the opponent's turn. Players can start with any tokens
  • If a token reaches the end of the board, the token can bring back a token that has been removed and send the brought back token to the start. Then after that the token at the end of the board can go backwards.
    Players can land on tokens to remove tokens.