Lost in the Jungle
Merced City School District
Game description: The objective of our game is to be the first player to the end of the jungle by knowing your math facts correctly.
- Target Audience: Number of Players: 2-4
- First you need to set-up the cards, spinner, and characters.
- The top of the box reads, “Place new cards here,”place your level cards there.
- On the circle is where you place the spinner.
- Finally place your characters on start.
- The youngest player goes first.
- Depending on your grade level draw a card then answer the math problem (Ex. 2nd grade would take from level 1).
- Your opponent would check your answer with a calculator.
- If you answer correctly spin the spinner, wherever the spinner lands go forward that number. If you answer incorrectly, still spin the spinner and go back that number of spaces.
- If you land on an animal go back 4 spaces.
- If you land on/in a pit you lose your next turn.
- If you land at the bottom of a bridge go up the bridge. If you land at the top of a bridge go down the bridge.
- Whoever gets to the end wins.
- If you run out of cards, shuffle the discard cards and reuse them as new cards.