
Get Multiplication

Doctor Hotdog and Floss Boss

West School

Game description: Our game is a fun outdoor running math game.  The game features  "throwers" and "solvers", again playing outside. There are three levels, and for each level, you do the math on the back of the level card that says what the multiplication problem is. Players use multiplication, strategy, and staying active to play the game. 

  • You start by picking teams. 
  • For the easy round, the oldest player chooses teams. The medium round, the youngest player chooses teams and the hard round, the second oldest chooses teams. There should be one thrower for every four solvers.
  • There are two sides of the field where the game is played. There are 200 multiplication problems written on cards with the factors 1 to 100 on them. These cards are laid out on one side of the field (one per round) in order of difficulty.
  • On the other side of the field, there are product cards laid out. There are three levels, and for each level, you do the math on the back of the level card that says what the multiplication problem is. 
  • The throwers stay on their side while the solvers go to the other side and work together to solve an easy, then a medium, then a hard multiplication problem. Solvers show their work, use different ways of getting to a solution, and challenge each other.
  • Once they have solved the problem, they come up with a strategy to retrieve the correct answer out of 6 answers (5 wrong) and get it back to their side of the court.
  • At the same time, the throwers are trying to hit them with balls. If you get hit by a ball, you stand in the “out zone”.
  • You can get back in if somebody catches a ball. The first person out comes back in first.
  • Some people make it to the safety zone with answers without getting out. They can’t get hit when they are in the safety zone, but they need to make it back to their side with the correct answer in order to win the point.
  • After, the youngest player chooses ball throwers and you do it all again! This time with a medium problem. When that round is over, the second oldest player will pick ball throwers for the last round.
  • Kids need to be active because lots of kids spend all their time on video games and television so we made a fun active math game so kids don't get sick from all that television.