
Geometric Journey

Geometric Journey
Manzanita School and Institute

Game description: In Geometric Journey, players compete to reach the end of the board first. Along the way, they spin a wheel to answer three types of questions: shape trivia, shape race, and shape deck. Tools such as a protractor, compass, and timer will be used.

  • Spin the wheel
  • If you land on an even number pick a card from the shape trivia deck. If you answer the question correctly, move the number of spaces from the spin.
  • If you land on an odd number pick a card from the shape race deck. Whoever completes the task first wins (everyone participates).
  • If you land on the triangle, pick a card from the shape deck. Do both tasks.
  • After you pass the acute aquarium you can only move one space.
  • Whoever reaches the end first, wins!