
Fraction Forest

Fraction Friends

Veterans Memorial Intermediate School

Game description: This is a fraction board game for ages 11-15 to allow students to master fraction operations. In our game you master, reciprocal of fractions, multiplication of fractions, division of fractions, subtraction of fractions, addition of fractions, rounding up fractions to whole numbers, improper fractions, and simplifying of fractions. In our game, you earn money by answering fraction questions correctly to buy areas to make more money from your opponents to either save or destroy the fraction forest land.

  • Pick whether you are part of the forest protection group or a construction worker.
  • If you are part of the forest protection group then you want to save Fraction Forest, but if your a construction worker you want to destroy it.
  • Roll the dice and move however many spaces you rolled.
  • When you land on an area you must pick up the card for that designated area from the Card Box.
  • Answer the question and if you get it correct, you get 850 dollars, but if you get it wrong you lose 425 dollars.
  • If you land on a Blank Bridge, you are completely safe and don’t have to answer any questions.
  • If you win, you put the paper with your name on the trophy