
Dino Road Trip

Nerd & Noodle
North Trail Elementary School

Game description: Object of  this math game is to get as many points as possible by adding up cards that intuitively represent positive and negative integers; designed by a 5 year old and his 9 year old sister.

  • Click here to see PowerPoint.
  • 2-6 players,  Ages 4+
  • Math Concepts: Grouping, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Integers, Greater Than and Less Than Comparisons.
  • Game Includes: 20 Cards of Family With Car (+1 point each), 5 Cards of Annoying Mosquitoes (-5 points each), 5 Cards of Rainy Day (-5 points each), 8 Cards of Dino Maps (+3 points each), 12 Cards of Dinosaurs (+3 points each), Score pad -- for multiple math levels, “Stoplight” to help sorting into piles of +3, +1, and -5 points and you will need 1 pencil per player.
  • Set Up & Rules: Pull out 10 family car cards, leave them face up, mix up the rest of the cards and divide the mixed pile up evenly among the players, keeping them face down. 
  • Play one of the family car cards, face up
  • Starting with the youngest player, going clockwise, take turns playing the top card of your pile until a family car card is played c) The person who played the family car card keeps that pile to score for later
  • Repeat steps 4a-4c until there are no cards left
  • To score the game: Using the stoplight organizer (or skip to step 7 for older or advanced math kids), separate out your cards as follows, where the person with the highest point WINS: a) Dinosaurs or Maps of Dinos: 3 points each (green) b) Family Car: 1 point each (yellow) c) Rainy Day or Annoying Bugs: -5 points each (red) 6. Using the score card, fill in one box per +1 point and X out any of the filled in boxes per -1 point. Add up the remaining boxes that aren’t crossed out with an X for your remaining total amount. 7. --OR– For older or advanced math students, use the bottom of the score card to categorize their number of cards for each point category, multiply each category and then add up the total.
  • Scoring: Math Example Combine cards to make +5 points (dino or map = 3 points each & family car = 1 point each) and lightly shade in a full row on the Score Card Then with left over +1 and +3 point cards, add up the total (for each category as an option) and lightly shade in extra spaces Last, for any -5 points (rainy days or bugs), cross out (with an X) any of the shaded spaces Total up what is left
  • We hope you had as much fun playing the game as we had designing Dino Road Trip, where we have intentionally integrated math concepts for multiple stages of where students are at in their math abilities. Learning math here is intuitive and meets core learning standards, but in a real life setting -- created just for kids and where they love to learn best – through games! We’re bananas for games!