
Corporation X


Veterans Memorial Intermediate School


Game description:  The goal of the game is to navigate the city to get your workplace, Corporation X,  by answering Expressions and Equations. The first person to reach Corporation X  receives a special promotion, so make sure you have the ambition to win. Twists and turns in the game can help or hurt you, so be prepared for anything that comes you way. Enjoy!

  • Youngest person rolls the dice first - use dice rolls to move across the board
  • When you land on a space, pick a card of that same color
  • If you answer the question on the card correctly, move up an extra space
  • If you land on a shop card, follow the directions on the card whether they hurt or help you
  • Answer a bonus question in under 45 seconds to advance through the highway (shortcut) - if you answer incorrectly you must go back a space
  • The game ends when everyone except for one person has made it to work!