
Adventure Island

Adventure Islanders
Merced City School District
S.T.E.A.M. Center

Game description: The objective of the game is to have the most points when you reach the end.

  • Youngest goes first and rolls the die.
  • Everyone gets a token and puts it on the start space. Make separate piles for the Blitz, the Question and Omega cards.
  • If you land on a question square you have to answer the question in under 30 seconds. If you get the answer right you get one(1) point and stay. If they get the problem wrong they get zero (0) points and stay.
  • If you land on a square that says Blitz, draw a blitz card and it will tell you to move forward or backwards.
  • If you land on a Omega space, draw an Omega card and it will give you a hard question for 1st-3rd grade. If you get the Omega card right you move forward 5 spaces (You get 20 seconds to answer the question instead of 30).
  • When a player reaches the end they must wait for the other players to reach the end to see who has the most points.
  • Whoever has the most points at the end wins the game!!! It doesn't matter who reaches the end first.
    For example - the order of the players reaching the end is player 1 with 10 points, then player 3 with 20 points, player 2 with 21 points and finally player 4 with 15 points. This means player 2 would be the winner.