

The Power of Persevering in Mathematics: North Elementary Has Grit and Doesn’t Quit

At North Elementary School in Birch Run Area Schools, Michigan, students and educators work together as a close-knit community, driven by a powerful mantra: “We’ve got grit and we don’t quit.”


Recently, the Overdeck Family Foundation teamed up with MIND Education to celebrate North Elementary’s amazing journey with ST Math in Building a Culture of Resilience with ST Math. We are thrilled to share their story—showcasing how resilience and dedication to learning can transform a school community!

“With support from donor funding provided by the ST Math School Grants Program with Ford Motor Company, the school implemented the program in Pre-K through eighth grade and noticed a steady shift in students’ determination and resilience to solve puzzles and an improvement in math skills. ‘We love the correlation of ST Math and grit,’ said Birch Run Area Schools’ instructional Math Coach Ann Keipert. During the school year, classrooms compete to complete puzzles on the platform. Each week, the class that is in the lead is celebrated with a poster announcing their accomplishment.”

Superintendent Diane Martindale of Birch Run Areas Schools, couldn’t help but notice the bigger picture—ST Math isn’t just about improving math scores; it’s helping students develop the skills they’ll need for life beyond the classroom. “The highest level of effective teaching is when it’s student-centered and they’re able to take ownership of their learning,” said Martindale. ST Math is giving North Elementary’s students the tools to take ownership and thrive in ways that go beyond traditional math education.

To move away from traditional "skill and drill" methods, North Elementary introduced small group instruction. Integrating ST Math into these settings has helped students meet their grade-level math objectives, build resilience through challenging puzzles, and even guide their peers in the process of perseverance.

Elevating student engagement in mathematics is a significant challenge for any school. However, through the strong relationships they’ve cultivated with their students, Superintendent Diane Martindale, Principal Kris Paquette, Math Coach Ann Keipert, and the entire North Elementary team are transforming their students' self-confidence in mathematics by dedicating time and effort toward using ST Math practically and productively. According to a 2019 study published in the Journal of Research on Technology in Education, students engaged with ST Math demonstrate greater confidence in their mathematical abilities compared to those who do not use the program. These self-beliefs have been linked to significant improvements in math performance.

Since introducing ST Math, not only has the team at North Elementary School seen a change in the culture around math and student self-beliefs at their school, but they’ve also gained recent tangible evidence: an increase in NWEA® MAP® Growth, jumping from the 70th to the 90th percentile and an increase on student Michigan state assessment scores over the last 3 years. As Keipert said, “We can prove that it works!”

MIND Education is grateful for its continued partnership with the valued donor, Overdeck Family Foundation. With a mission of measurably enhancing education both inside and outside the classroom, Overdeck Family Foundation helps fuel stories like N. Elementary’s, supporting resilience and success in math education.

Kelsey Richards

About the Author

Kelsey Richards is the Marketing Specialist at MIND Education. As a former educator with a master's degree in Elementary Education, she is passionate about empowering teachers and students to innovate in Mathematics.


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