

The Kid Who Never Raised Her Hand

There was always that one kid in class who never raised her hand. Maybe you were her. Maybe you sat next to her. Maybe you were the teacher, waiting, hoping she’d speak up.

She wasn’t disinterested. Not really. But math class? It felt like a performance, a place where the confident kids shot their hands up like rockets, while she kept hers firmly at her side. Fear of being wrong. Anxiety about being called on. A quiet certainty that, even if she did know the answer, someone else would say it first.

So, she stayed silent.

Until something changed.

A Different Kind of Math Class

students-discourseOne day, math wasn’t about right answers first. It wasn’t about speed. It wasn’t about proving you knew before anyone else.

Instead, she found herself in a math conversation—not a one-answer race, but a puzzle to figure out. The problem wasn’t just numbers on a board; it was something to play with, to think through, to talk about. And most importantly, no one was looking for the fastest hand in the air.

And in this kind of math class, fear no longer dictated who participated. For some, it never had a chance to take hold. For others, it had been learned over time—but here, in this space, something was different. The way math was experienced made it feel safe to engage, to explore, to think out loud without hesitation.

She watched. She listened. She started whispering ideas to a partner. Then, she took a risk—sharing her thinking in a small group. And before she knew it, she wasn’t just in math class. She was in the conversation.

From Silence to Speaking Up

At MIND Education, we believe that math is about more than memorizing formulas or following steps in isolation—it’s about developing problem solving skills, making connections, and understanding the why behind the procedures. It’s about engaging in productive struggle, building lasting conceptual understanding, and applying knowledge to solve meaningful problems with confidence and precision. Our research-backed, game-based learning approach transforms math from something students endure to something they actively engage in, and even look forward to.

In classrooms using Mathematical Discourse, students like her—the ones who never raised their hands—start to engage in new ways. They use strategies that encourage reasoning, discussion, and sense making.They explain their thinking, evaluate different approaches, challenge ideas, and listen as their classmates do the same. It’s not just about getting the answer; it’s ensuring every student is actively building knowledge and reaching mathematically correct solutions with understanding and confidence. 

Somewhere along the way, she starts to see herself differently. Maybe she never needed to raise her hand to prove she belonged in math class. Maybe she just needed math class to make space for her voice in a way that felt right.

When math is learned in a way that aligns with how the brain learns—where students explore concepts visually, build connections, and apply structured reasoning —confidence builds. And mastery follows. They don’t have to raise their hand to know they’re part of the learning. They’re showing what they understand through problem solving, persistence, and conversation.

Math for Everyone

We know that every student is capable of deep mathematical thinking—not just the ones who always raise their hands. Why MIND?  Because we design learning experiences that meet students where they are and invite them into the math in a way that feels natural, intuitive, and empowering. We make space for every student to see themselves as a mathematician.

So to the kid who never raised her hand—who thought math wasn’t for her, or that she wasn’t fast enough, or that she’d rather just stay quiet—we see you. And we’re here to change what math class feels like. Because math is for everyone. And every voice—yes, even yours—deserves to be part of the conversation.

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Jennifer Anderson

About the Author

Jennifer Anderson is the Senior Manager of Content Marketing at MIND Education. Passionate about education, she focuses on fostering engagement and building meaningful connections. Through compelling narratives and innovative programs, Jennifer strives to empower educators and enrich students’ learning experiences.


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