

Fun with Data: Students Play ST Math Over Winter Break

The greatest holiday present that MIND receives from our learners is their hard work...even when on winter break! 

Here are some of the ST Math usage highlights from Christmas day, 2018.

10,843 students at 2,235 schools in 599 districts (located in 47 states plus DC) logged into ST Math on Christmas day.

christmas-log-in-stmath-2017-smallThese are the top five states (by unique students):

  • California: 5,303
  • New York: 663
  • Nevada: 573
  • Florida: 508
  • Ohio: 414

On Christmas day, these 10,843 students:
  • Logged 15,281 ST Math sessions, for over 3,330 hours of ST Math play
  • Completed 44,363 on-task levels
  • Mastered 374,810 puzzles
  • Overcame 367 hurdles
  • Avoided 1,000 slices of fruitcake from well-meaning relatives (number is approximate and unverifiable)

Students enrolled in the second grade curriculum were most likely to log in--over 1900 did--but fourth grade users logged the most total time with an average of about 20 minutes of ST Math play time each.

Most student sessions occurred in a steady stream between 10 AM and 10 PM (with a little break around dinnertime), though a few students appear to have been playing in the wee hours of the night. Almost 400 sessions were logged between midnight and five AM. While they may have been waiting for Santa, I like to think they received a more important gift--reasoning skills!

Hopefully this bit of JiJi joy brightens your new year, and heralds an exciting 2019 for all of our learners!

Emily Howatt

About the Author

Emily is the Database Analytics Manager at MIND Research Institute.


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