

March Mathness is On

Here at MIND Education, we wholeheartedly believe that penguins love basketball. JiJi and the ST Math team love basketball so much that we're excited to see students bring the fun from the court to the classroom in one of our most popular challenge themes—March Mathness!

March Mathness

If your school has ST Math, a powerful, interactive visual math program, we highly recommend you set up a bracket and get in on the action! 

Why Participate in March Mathness?

Participating in fun challenges like March Mathness is an excellent way to increase motivation and celebrate your school's love of problem solving. It's also a great way to practice grade-level math concepts in a friendly and fun competition.

ST Math March Mathness Bracket Image

How to Play?

Create your own bracket or download our March Mathness bracket and list each class that is participating in the challenge. Whoever receives the most puzzles for that week will advance to the next round. Weekly puzzle data can easily be found in your ST Math Educator Console. 

Start your bracket in March using the puzzles in ST Math. 


How it Started 

MIND would also like to thank Damien Hazel, Mathematics Instructional Coach at Sunita L. Williams Elementary School in Massachusetts, and the creator of ST Math's March Mathness. Damien began this friendly competition to encourage teacher and student participation during their first year of implementation back in 2020-21. In the four years since, March Mathness has spread nationwide, where students engage in ST Math games and accelerate their math achievement.

Since its inception, Damien presented March Mathness at every ST Math Champion day in Massachusetts, including most recently at the ST Math Champion Day in Worcester, MA, on February 15th.

Over the years, I've seen an increase in minutes and puzzle completion among students. But more than that, I've witnessed a sense of pride, accomplishment, and sportsmanship within classes. The spirit of the entire school gets lifted. This is the time of year when students (and classroom teachers) who are a little behind in their work get inspired to catch up and finish strong.

- Damien Hazel, Mathematics Instructional Coach, Sunita L. Williams Elementary School, MA

Looking for other inspiring ST Math challenge themes? Just visit the link here to see how your school or classroom can get started with some past challenge ideas—or start one from scratch and share it with us on social media!

If you have more ST Math challenge ideas you'd like to share with us, remember to post on social media and tag @STMath, or email us at info@mindeducation.org. Make sure you're following us on Twitter or Instagram

Game on, ST Math Community! 

Victor Nguyen

About the Author

Victor Nguyen is MIND’s Content and Community Specialist. Victor is a passionate storyteller with a penchant for creative writing. In his free time, you can find him engrossed in books, going on long hikes, or trying to meditate.


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