

The Scoop on Games, Learning and Math

Here is what MIND Research Institute colleagues have been reading recently and learning on the topics of education, math, games and learning.


Games & Technology

This month, it seems like everyone is talking about the app Pokémon Go. Kids and kids-at-heart are taking to the neighborhood parks and shopping centers in droves. What can educators and game designers learn from the success of this game?


Mindsets & Learning

Educators are defining what learning looks like in the classroom.

"Moving toward classrooms that promote growth mindsets is not about lowering the bar, in fact, classrooms that are successfully moving in this direction are expecting much more of their students…" -Mark Chubb



What does it mean to integrate math into real world problems? Is math education getting better? These are some of the tough questions reporters and educators are asking.

"Beautiful mathematic explanations are not only for our pleasure, they also change our vision of the world." - Cédric Villani




Do you have an interesting article, video or news to share? Tweet it to us @MIND_Research or email us and we may feature it next month!


Header image by Krosseel at morguefile.com.

Calli Wright

About the Author

Calli Wright was the Marketing Manager at MIND Research Institute. She loves playing and designing board games, which she often talks about on twitter @CalliWrights.


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