

Math at 96th Street

By Tangela Brown, 96th Street Elementary 

96th St. JiJi painting resized 600In my 16 years as a teacher at 96th Street Elementary a lot has changed, but I haven’t seen a math culture like what we’ve created since implementing ST Math for our 2nd and 3rd grade students.  

We kicked off the program in late October 2013 with much excitement from myself and other teachers. We received training from our ST Math representative, which helped our lab teacher become an expert with the program. It’s so helpful knowing we have her as a resource if needed. Although we’ve only had the program a few months, we’ve seen growth in our students, not only in math concepts but in their love of math! 

Our ST Math Lab gives 2nd and 3rd grade students the opportunity to get hands on experience with technology they otherwise may not have at home. Students are excited to go to the Math Lab and spend time with JiJi. We’ve noticed an increase in their ability to challenge themselves and a desire to learn as well. In a classroom setting students have been hesitant to ask questions but when they’re one on one with JiJi they work harder to master each concept.

We are hoping to expand technology at the school and purchase tablets for classroom use, but until then students are attending the lab twice a week for 60 minutes per visit. There’s also free time available for students to go into the lab and whenever given the opportunity, students are more than ecstatic to go.  

ST Math has allowed our students to spend productive time making a connection to conceptual math in addition to what’s being used in our classrooms. The program has helped with increased problem solving, more interactive learning while in the classroom, as well as help students blossom into independent learners. 

Needless to say, JiJi is a celebrity at 96th street and we’re excited to continue growing our math curriculum with MIND Research.


Tangela Brown is a Teacher at 96th Street Elementary 


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