

Myth Busters: Adaptive Learning Edition

A couple of weeks ago we featured a video of our Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer Matthew Peterson talking to the audience at the District Administration Leadership Institute (DALI) about ST Math and the importance of building schemas in math education. 

Recently our Director of Content Creation Nigel Nisbet spoke at DALI Superintendents Summit. During his session, Nisbet shared helpful information about adaptive learning, why it’s important, how ST Math can be helpful in creating adaptive learning environments, and answered the pressing question - how adaptive learning is impacting students.

As Nisbet explains, adaptive learning isn’t about lowering the bar, but expecting and allowing students to rise to the challenge and overcome obstacles. Nisbet also speaks to the three keys to effective instructional software: interactivity, informative feedback and intrinsic motivation.

To watch the full video, click on the link below!

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Abby Daniels

About the Author

Abby Daniels was Director of Communications at MIND Research Institute, where she worked for over 10 years as the organization transformed from a small, local nonprofit to a national leader in education.


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