

Welcome to Sums & Solutions

Welcome to the new MIND Research Institute Blog, Sums & Solutions! Our hope is this blog will be a resource that connects teachers, principals, superintendents, education leaders, and the philanthropic community who share our vision of changing the way math is taught.  
MIND recently adopted a new mission statement that we will “ensure that all students are mathematically equipped to solve the world's most challenging problems.” With the Sums & Solutions blog, we aim to promote thoughtful and lively discussion focused on this idea of improving math education, building problem-solving skills and fostering innovation.

Our bloggers will include teachers with classroom success stories, administrators with implementation examples (math coaches, curriculum leaders), STEM leaders, education thought leaders and MIND Staff. Everyone at MIND is excited to stimulate a productive discussion and we hope to unearth the challenges and successes in blended learning.

We look forward to active discussions and sharing stories from around the country. So get ready to write and share how JiJi has transformed your child, school or district!

Matthew Peterson

About the Author

Matthew Peterson, Ph.D., is Co-founder and Chief Research & Development Officer at the MIND Research Institute. The creator of ST Math, Matthew leads a team in developing innovative learning environments.


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